Hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a gas sample have the same temperature. This means the hydrogen molecules, on the average, have the same

Hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a gas sample have the same temperature. This means the hydrogen molecules, on the average, have the same

A) speed and the same kinetic energy.
B) speed, but more kinetic energy.
C) speed, but less kinetic energy.
D) kinetic energy, but more speed.
E) kinetic energy, but less speed.

Answer: D

A good heat conductor is

A good heat conductor is

A) a poor insulator.
B) a good insulator.
C) neither a poor nor a good insulator.

Answer: A

Adiabatic processes occur

Adiabatic processes occur

A) only in the atmosphere.
B) only in the oceans
C) only in the Earth's mantle.
D) in both the atmosphere and the oceans
E) in the atmosphere, oceans and the Earth's mantle.

Answer: E

The Earth's atmosphere gets most of its heat

The Earth's atmosphere gets most of its heat

A) near the surface of the Earth.
B) at high altitudes closer to the sun.
C) from the Earth's core.

Answer: A

When a block of ice at zero degrees Celsius melts, the ice

When a block of ice at zero degrees Celsius melts, the ice

A) absorbs energy from its environment.
B) releases energy to its environment.
C) absorbs energy and gets warmer.
D) releases energy and gets warmer.
E) absorbs energy but does not change its temperature.

Answer: A

Water will evaporate quicker if it

Water will evaporate quicker if it

A) choices C,D,E are all correct
B) One or two of the choices below are not correct
C) is spread out in a thin sheet
D) is preheated to 100 degrees C
E) is surrounded by hot air

Answer: A

Evaporation is a cooling process because

Evaporation is a cooling process because

A) heat is radiated during the process.
B) of conduction and convection.
C) the more energetic molecules are able to escape the liquid.
D) the temperature of the remaining liquid decreases.
E) none of these

Answer: C

A good absorber of radiation is a

A good absorber of radiation is a

A) poor emitter of radiation
B) good emitter of radiation
C) good reflector
D) none of these

Answer: B

The planet Earth loses heat mainly by

The planet Earth loses heat mainly by

A) conduction.
B) convection.
C) radiation.
D) all of these

Answer: C

When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes

When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes

A) smaller.
B) larger.
C) neither smaller nor larger.
D) either smaller or larger, depending on the ring thickness.

Answer: B

Ice tends to form first at the

Ice tends to form first at the

A) surface of bodies of water.
B) bottom of bodies of water.
C) surface or bottom depending on the water depth.

Answer: A

Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has

Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has

A) more internal energy and higher temperature.
B) higher temperature, but less internal energy.
C) a greater specific heat and more internal energy.
D) none of these

Answer: B

The fact that a thermometer "takes its own temperature" illustrates

The fact that a thermometer "takes its own temperature" illustrates

A) thermal equilibrium.
B) energy conservation.
C) the difference between heat and internal energy.
D) the fact that molecules are constantly moving.

Answer: A